Category Archives: Midnite Misquotes

Midnite Misquotes: Don’t hold on

“Don’t hold to anger, hurt or playoff hopes. They steal your energy and keep you from love.”
~ Leo Buscaglia

Midnite Misquotes: Lame Duck GM

“A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion… and a lame duck GM holds on to too many players at the trade deadline.”


Midnite Misquotes: A Trade Deadline

“A trade deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it’s better than no inspiration at all.”
Rita Mae Brown

Midnite Misquotes: What you do today

“Your team’s future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.”

– Robert Kyosaki

Midnite Misquotes: Cuts like a knife

“Now it cuts like a knife, but it feels so… much like a high draft pick.”

– Bryan Adams

Midnite Misquotes: Fashion Freak

“I am not a fashion freak!  I just grabbed the wrong sweater.”
-Yannick Moss

Midnite Misquotes: Run the game

“Either you run the game or the game runs you.”

~ Jim Rohn

Midnite Misquotes: A Habit

“We are what we repeatedly do. Losing, then, is not an act, but a habit.”


Midnite Misquotes: Response to Failure

“Your response to failure determines the height of your success and the length of your season.” 

~ Robin Sharma

Midnite Misquotes: Devils can be driven out

“Devils can be driven out of the heart by the touch of a fist on a jaw, or a puck in a net.”

 Tennessee Williams